Tuesday, December 13, 2011

paper is

There are some things we think a person should never be without, paper is one of them. Paper plays a vital role in our personal and professional lives. Think about how many times a day paper impacts your life. From cereal boxes to paper towels, tissues to catalogs, “to do” lists to thank you notes, permission slips to recipes, and those are just at home! At work there are daily uses for paper like; copies, faxes, brochures, notepads, invoices and other correspondence. The list goes on and on.

Paper makes our lives easier. It provides us with the information we need to live. As long as we use it responsibly, it will continue to impact your life positively. Don’t let the greenwashing get to you. Paper is sustainable, made from renewable resources and easily recycled.

Paper is here to stay.

The "paper is" printed on our CMP notepads and other giveaway items is our way of gently reminding you that paper is vital, necessary, and essential to our lives. No to mention, it can be pretty darn inspiring.

So think about it, paper is what to you? We'd love to add your word(s) to our list.

Make your mark on paper.

Write your own story.

Paper shapes our lives.


  1. tactile, seductive, historical, foldable, savable, irreplaceable

  2. Perfect. Love those! Thanks for sharing them with us. We will add them to our ongoing list!
