Friday, April 29, 2011

A Little CMP News & Notes Blog Love Is Needed

If you are reading this post right now, then CMP needs your help!

Considerable time has been spent with the start up of this blog, as a resource for you, our customers. We are hoping it will serve as an additional means of communication about paper, promotions, about our industry, and about CMP and its people.

While it appears that people are reading this, and we have had some face to face confirmation that people like what they read...we need just a bit more reassurance.

Is this blog helpful? Shall we continue on...

Do any posts assist you in specifying or purchasing paper from CMP? What would you like to see more of? Less of?

We're feeling the need for a little blog love.

If what we are doing is not effective, then we need to know this, and spend our time and resources elsewhere. If it is, we need to hear that as well, so we can continue on with all the contests and giveaways and future product posts we have planned.

Please take a moment to comment at the bottom of this post. A suggestion. A thatta girl. A story about how this inspired you to specify or use our paper. Anything....

Dialogue from our readers and customers is necessary to continue with this effort and channel of communication. We appreciate your help and support and, I suppose if we don't hear any responses...we will have our answer.

Many thanks to those reading. I hope to hear from you.

Terri Spaulding


  1. Kudos to CMP for joining the social media bandwagon! That is where your customers are - so thanks for coming to us instead of making us come to you... very forward thinking! I do everything on my smart phone nowadays and having you on Facebook keeps you accessible. Sometimes I just don't have time to meet with you, but I can see what you are up to on my newsfeed. LOVE the articles and lively and informative links. Keep up the good work!

  2. Thanks Mary! I'll do my best. :)
