Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Direct Mail Is Where It's At

The latest Fold Factory 60 second super cool fold of the week certainly demonstrates that your folds don't have to be fancy to be effective. Direct mail, when combined with the right message, the right audience and the right design.....can achieve some fantastic results. Add in some variable data for personalization, and those results can be over the top.

A few direct mail facts courtesy of PaperBecause.com (Domtar) and Down To Earth (International Paper) :

  • 75% of people have made a purchase as a result of direct mail
  • Those who received a printed catalog from a retailer were twice as likely to buy online as consumers who did not
  • 56% of people say they enjoy reading mail
  • Campaigns combining direct mail and Internet yield up to an additional 25% response rate
  • Nearly 80% of households either read or scan advertising mail sent to their household
And be sure to check out these awesome articles, courtesy of Deliver Magazine, which offer great tips for getting the most out of your direct mail campaign.



We are always willing to help you select the perfect paper for your next direct mail piece. Contact your CMP sales rep or email terris@cmpaper.com.

We "heart" paper. And we believe in the power of print.

1 comment:

  1. When we open our new business in market then direct mail advertising is very helpful to advertise our products or business through direct mail. We receive emails and communicate with them through prospects.

    direct mail
