Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Get Clipping! Boise Adds Box Tops For Education Labels To X-9 Multipurpose Ream Wraps

A pretty cool announcement was made back in May that slipped right past without the fanfare it deserved.....one of our suppliers, Boise®, joined up with Box Tops for Education!

Such a great idea.

Quite by accident one afternoon I noticed that the current copy machine paper we were using here at CMP (we switch them around a lot) Boise® X-9 20# had actual box tops you can clip and save on the ream wraps. Interestingly enough there is also a QR Code included that takes you to a website explaining how and why they partnered up with Box Tops for Education).

Here's more info on this great program which includes Boise Fireworx and HD:P branded papers as well : http://scr.bi/nXQuRr.

We think it is such a great idea that CMP would like to take it one step further....if your company would like to save the Box Tops off the reams of the X-9 you use for your copier, CMP will collect them and turn them into a local school for you.

If you are already into clipping and collecting them, and would like to turn them in yourself, by all means go for it! But if you 'd like some help following through with actually turning them in, we volunteer for the job.

I am personally one of those people who cannot throw away any kind of package that has the Box Tops label on it without clipping it, but then I throw it in a drawer and forget to turn them all in. Well, until that drawer gets cleaned, that is. (Which at my house, isn't very often).

CMP would like to make sure the clipped box tops off the reams of X-9 actually make it to a school where they can make a difference for students. 

So, if you save them, we'll collect them. We'll also save ours here and turn them all into a school in need (hopefully in one large batch where the collective contribution will make an impact).

If you would like, we will happily pass along your company name to the school chosen to give you credit for your efforts, and will give you a "shout out" on our CMP Facebook and Twitter pages.
We might even be able to give some CMP swag (slang for CMP promotional items) for your Box Top saving efforts.

If you are interested in helping a local school out by saving the Boise® Box Tops for Education labels, contact Terri Spaulding via email at terris@cmpaper.com or call 616-676-9203 x 242. We appreciate your purchasing Boise® X-9 Multipurpose Paper from CMP, and for doing your part for education!

Additional links of interest:


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