Tuesday, December 21, 2010

It's All About The Mix....

No, not the cocktail mix....the marketing mix, silly.

Social media, the Web page, e-mail, smartphones and yes, print----are all part of a great conversation. As we head into the Christmas holiday, here are some "food for thought" facts taken from the just released New Page Corporation's Ed #14/ "Getting Personal".  http://edliveshere.com/issue/getting_personal

126 Million Blogs in 2009
2.5 Billion facebook photos uploaded monthly
1 billion videos watched daily on YouTube

800 Million seaches performed daily on Twitter...
(more than Yahoo and Bing combined)

Half of all marketing e-mail is deleted within 2 seconds

47% of small businesses consider direct mail
 important to finding new customers

60% of consumers surveyed purchase from catalogs 4X per year or more

In typical Ed fashion, it is chock-full of interesting and timely facts. No doubt social media is here to stay. And guess what? Printed communication is as important as ever. I'm thinking you will want your own copy of this one.

We're making a list....reserve your copy at  terris@cmpaper.com 

Thursday, December 16, 2010

'Tis the Season....

We thought you might like to see CMP having a little holiday fun.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Holiday Fun At CMP

Local jewelry designer Lisa Lehmann/Studio Jewel puts her creative talents to paper for a change
Paper, paper and more paper was made at CMP's Annual Play With Paper Wrapping Paper Event last Thursday in CMP's conference room.

What a nice way to welcome in this holiday season and get the creative mojo flowing.

Thanks to Becky Canter and French Paper for providing the large sheets of French Poptone, Parchtone, Durotone, Speckletone and Construction to get us all motivated. And a special thanks everyone who was able to join in the fun. If you missed it this year, watch for next year's invitation!

Dan and Jess concentrate on their paper

Mary Dilley/ FSU makes paper panels to decorate her cubicle

Andrew & Lindsay from Square One Design pause for a picture
&  Kristi from Custom is busily working on her design in the row behind

Lots of  holiday stamps to choose from

A paper creation from Carol Derks/DerkStudio

Custom Printers joined the fun

Carol Derks/DerkStudio working on another visual masterpiece


Another example

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Did You Know That Only 18% Of Electronic Devices Are Currently Recycled?

... And that 70% of all toxic waste in landfills comes from electronic waste? It's a fact that over 200 million items of e-waste are thrown away every year in the U.S. alone, making e-waste our single largest waste export.

That's why Richard Romano's article A New Shopping Season, a New Flood of E-Waste on the "What They Think Blog" hits home with me. I have two teenage boys and electronics are big items on their Christmas wish lists. It makes me cringe to think about the "old" e-items the new ones will be replacing and where they go after leaving our curb on trash day. Maybe that is why I, personally, have two old I-pod Shuffles, a  Mini, a first generation Nano and a borrowed Nano currently in use.

I'm sure you are thinking, how can that be?

For the last couple of years I have been adding a bigger, better I-pod to my Christmas and/or birthday wish lists, and then at the last minute, taking it off. It seems that I have second thoughts about owning yet another electronic item (which will eventually end up in the waste stream). So instead, I keep repurposing the old stuff.

Currently one I-pod holds my Christmas music, one has yoga music, one I filled with my 3-year-old niece's favorite pop songs and gave it to her for her birthday, and one has all my music on it. In all honesty, I don't really need a new one.

So, for now I will just repurpose old ones and feel kinda good about it...hey, everyone has to start somewhere.

Makes me appreciate that paper is easily recycled and that wood is a completely renewable resource.


Tuesday, November 30, 2010

CMP & US Postal Service Team Up Again

Thanks Williams Group for allowing Terri Spaulding/CMP and Mike Spaulding/ US Postal Service to Debunk the Top 10 Greenwashing Myths About Paper and to share how Direct Mail can be both green and effective at today's lunch-n-learn. Contrary to popular belief...print is NOT dead and still remains a very effective part of the marketing mix. Want to hear more? Let us know....


If you are interested in hosting this presentation, please contact one of us. Terri 's e-mail is terris@cmpaper.com and Mike's is michael.k.spaulding@usps.gov

Monday, November 29, 2010

REMINDER the Play With Paper Annual Wrapping Paper Event Is This Week

Thursday, December 2
8:30 am - 3:30 pm
(Come when you can, leave whenever you are finished!)

The RSVP's are in. Food is ordered. Stamping stuff is ready.
We are ready to watch you Play and get the creative mojo flowing. 

P.S. If you forgot to RSVP but really want to attend, get a hold of me quick! terris@cmpaper.com

Monday, November 22, 2010

Got A Question About Paper?

Do you believe the statement that there is no such thing as a dumb question?

We don't. (In all honesty we've heard some pretty silly ones over the years.)

But if it's a question about paper, we have your answer. The combined years of  industry experience amongst our CMP employees would blow your mind.  It's pretty much a sure bet that someone around here will be able to help. C'mon try us!

For fast answers call 616-676-9203.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Guess What Mohawk Has In Stock?!

Just in time for all the paper-using, card sending you and your customers are planning to do this holiday season! Envelopes with roses in them.....Okay, maybe not. But the next best thing.........FOIL LINED Superfine, Ultrawhite Eggshell A-6 & A-7 envelopes. In three colors of foil. Gold, Silver and Red. Carton quantites of 1000 are available from the mill or we can order them in packages of 250!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

CMP Brings Play With Paper to Gilda's Club

  What a great way to share our love of paper. CMP brought notecard making to Gilda's Club for a member workshop. We learned that Playing With Paper releases the creative mojo in everyone, even those who think crafting is not their thing. What fun!

Friday, November 5, 2010

When We Say Paper....

....What comes to mind? CMP needs suggestions for something we need to name. What is your first thought when we say paper?....or your second, third and fourth thoughts are welcome, too! Help us please.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Election Day.....

CMP encourages you to let your voice be heard. Vote!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Mohawk Panoramic Paper Has Arrived!

An exciting new digital paper has just been introduced by Mohawk Paper. Mohawk Panoramic! Designed for the digital press market---specifically HP Indigos--it is used primarily for making photo books. The paper comes in three finishes; gloss, silk and uncoated with a special cohesive glue on the back of each sheet. Also available is endsheet white. It is a unique product because it produces lay flat photo books, (think no more people in the middle of the photo disappearing into the fold). Once you get a look at this paper, we think you will see it has endless possibilities. Items are on the floor at CMP, the price book has been updated, and your CMP sales rep is ready to bring you more information and samples.

Check out the video link below to see the unique Mohawk Panoramic Paper process!


Thursday, October 14, 2010

CMP Speaks to Students

What a beautiful fall day I spent on WMU's campus! Tuesday I had the opportunity to spend time with the graphic design seniors at the Gwen Frostic School of Art. We discussed Paper vs. Pixels and went over Paper Basics. Great questions, great ideas, great students. Let's keep them around when they graduate.....who's hiring?

Monday, September 27, 2010

Debunking the Top 10 Green-Washing Myths About Paper

(From left to right....Becky Canter/French Paper, Eric Campbell & Jennifer Lake/Tandem Design, Terri Spaulding/CMP, Mike Spaulding/USPS)

Kudos to Tandem Design of Traverse City for hosting the first TandemTalk/people + paper event on Thursday, September 23. Terri Spaulding began the night by debunking the Top 10 Green-Washing Myths and explained how using more paper will actually help save a forest. Mike Spaulding continued on with the facts supporting the relevance of keeping direct mail in the marketing mix, and explained how to make it green. To end the night Becky Canter handed out the always-in-demand French Paper swag!

Many thanks to Eric and Jennifer for their willingness to bring industry peers together for discussion and education.

If you are interested in either of the aforementioned presentations, or would like to discuss hosting an event of your own, contact terris@cmpaper.com or michael.k.spaulding@usps.gov

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Check This Out!

Introducing CMP's newly renovated gathering space. If you haven't been out to see us lately, you may not know that we have been under construction. We combined our kitchen and a small conference room and made it into a really comfortable place to visit. Chatting with your sales rep, checking out the latest mill printed samples, or picking up a sample request has never been so pleasant. The coffee is always on in the CMP break room....come join us for a cup! (or, two).

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

CMP & On-the-Town Magazine!

Have you seen our post-it note on the front of the April issue of On-the-Town magazine? We're promoting our 125th year of being in business as a local --Michigan--family owned company. And of course, promoting our fast, flexible, focused approach to doing business. Thank you West Michigan for your loyalty and for contributing to our continued success.
P.S. Ask your CMP rep for some CMP post-it notes of your own.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Mohawk Solutions Grade Gets a Makeover

Check out the new Mohawk Solutions grade. It combines the core strengths of the old Feltweave, Nekoosa and Solutions gradelines into one comprehensive offering. It is FSC certified, manufactured with wind power and has 7 finishes and 19 colors. New swatches available soon!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Mohawk Loop in stock soon at CMP!

Introducing a new grade from Mohawk Paper which combines the best items from four legendary grades: Synergy, Passport, Genesis & Proterra into the ultimate environmental paper.

Look for increased post consumer content, a new 50% PCW Silk Coated sheet, new 100% PCW Inxwell sheets and new Digital with I-tone items. Mohawk Loop offers a comprehensive range of uncoated finishes—smooth, antique vellum, feltmark, linen, laid and 25% Cotton Writing, along with new Silk Coated and Inxwell finishes.

The entire line is FSC certified, carbon neutral and manufactured with wind generated electricity. This will be the industry’s most comprehensive environmental paper grade.

Loop swatchbooks and promotions available soon.

Monday, March 8, 2010

It's A Good Time To Deal

Do you know anybody looking for an inexpensive answer to a small to medium size project, maybe you have to donate some printing for that special account? We have many items that have been discontinued or closed-out of our inventory that need to move to make room for new products arriving daily. Call customer service 616-676-9203 and tell us what you need. A solution may be a phone call away. Some notable items include digital items, coated items, uncoated offset and opaque (yes even skids on some items) Currently in stock for immediate purchase 23 x 35 119m 70# White Smooth Exact Opaque 92 brt old shade 20,000/skid 6 skids available. 12 x 18 80#/100# Cardinal Digital Gloss Text/Cover. Some items are hit or miss but we would be happy to match you with a product that just may work for you. Give us a call!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Congratulations to All

I attended my gazillionth Addy Awards last week (okay maybe it was only like my 25th). It was fun to see some really old friends, Dick Hansknecht comes to mind, and somewhat sobering to see so many new faces. When did I get to be one of the "old folks" anyway? One thing is certain we have some great talent in the west half of Michigan. Great job everyone. Your talent amazes me.
P.S. Keep designing with paper.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

R.I.P. Eddie

Our industry lost another great soul on Monday and I felt the need to honor his memory with a few personal comments.

I knew Ed "Eddie" Kastelz from back in my JMK Advertising days....mid 80's, I was just out of college, and newly engaged. He was our "film" go to guy at National Correct Color. (Back when there were film guys.) I haven't seen him or talked to him much over the last 20 years since I left the agency business and moved into paper....but whenever I heard that very distinctive voice (if you knew him, you know the one I mean) at an industry event or wherever, it brought a huge smile to my face. He was a great guy. A person I aspired to be like when I grew up....okay so he was only 16 years older...but when you are 22 and he is 38, he seems a lot older. He was fun, he was family oriented and he was a great "film" guy. I remember how smiles came easily to him, and he was always talking about his family. There was always some funny story or another to relate.

A couple of months ago I had the opportunity to talk to him on the phone, kind of by accident, and he was the same 'ole Eddie---yukking it up and talking about his family, this time his ever growing brood of grand children. He was so proud of them. I can only imagine how sad they are to have lost him at age 63.

That 16 year age difference between us doesn't seem so big now. Makes me think about living in the "now" and not the ... "when I retire someday I'll" ...mentality. He was too young. He had so much more to give. We will miss you Eddie. Rest in Peace.

Check out the three latest additions to the popular series called Down To Earth: A Practical Look At Environmental Issues and Trends from International Paper. Each issue explores a different topic in support of using paper. There are currently seven issues available, including the popular: Are Pixels Greener Than Paper (the facts might surprise you), How Does Using Paper Lead To More Trees (strange concept, huh?) and the newest one called Is it Worth Printing? Great information, well presented...it might just help you get an "add on" print project to that new website you are designing! Let us know if you need copies.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Sustainability Made Simple(r)

Sustainability is a journey, not a destination.

Last week I was asked to do a presentation at the Kendall Green Council Speaker Series. I pulled together some current information that focuses on the papermaking industry and its sustainability practices. This presentation includes a look back to the late 80's when the idea of recycled paper first surfaced in the industry, a look at what mills are doing today to be sustainable, and more specifically what you as an end user or designer can do to promote sustainability. I found out some very interesting facts! If you think a presentation of this sort might assist you (or one of your clients) in achieving an environmental goal of sustainability in communications, please give me a call. I'd be more than happy to bring it to you. 676-3965 x 242

Monday, January 25, 2010


Thanks for checking out the CMP Sample Department blog! Our department is maintained by Rachel Dunneback and myself, Danielle Parker. I will be posting updates on things such as paper line changes, mill news, printed pieces and exciting things happening here at CMP. Check back frequently to stay up to date on all things new in our ever changing industry.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Ed #13 is Here!

Check out the latest Ed. Ed#13 is printed on Arbor Plus, New Page's new 30% post consumer coated sheet. Ed #13 offers a big picture view of sustainability in communications. Ed looks at the footprints of both print and electronic communications--their environmental costs and advantages--and ways to make the best use of both. All so you, the designer, can make a bigger impact on your audience while reducing your impact on the environment! Let us know if you need a copy.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Lets have a great year

Happy 2010!! Looking forward to another great year in the printing and paper industry. 2009 was a challenge to say the least but lets hope that is all behind us and look optimistically toward the future and 2010. Lots of activity with new quotes and inquiries that will hopefully turn into orders for CMP. Our specification dept is hard at work with designers and end users asking for printers to use specifically Central Michigan Paper products. Everybody works hard quoting, sampling, and specifying these jobs so lets make sure the orders go to where the effort is made. I have only been with CMP for 3 years, but I have worked in the paper industry for 20. What a great place with intelligent, hard working, and friendly people. Nobody tries harder to achieve greatness than the employees and management at Central Michigan Paper. Lets make 2010 a great year!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Happy New Year

2009 was a year filled with uncertainty. 2010 will hopefully be a year filled with opportunity. As I reflect back on the past year I realize I am thankful for this company; its leadership, its customers, its mills, its people. Hopefully the new year will bring us all prosperity and peace.