Monday, November 21, 2011

Are You Ready to Play With Paper?

Just in case you haven't's time for our annual Play With Paper Event.  

Paper is inspiring, energizing, stimulating, entertaining, motivating, useful and just plain FUN. Hope you can join us on Wednesday, December 7 to come and PLAY. French Paper will be providing us with some fabulous paper to play with. You can get creative making wrapping paper, notecards, gift tags or journals!

Email terris@cmpaper to reserve your spot.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

I Saw The Future Of Technology...And Paper Is Still In It

After attending the AMA of West Michigan meeting yesterday, where Dr. William Ward, Professor of Social Media at Syracuse University, spoke about "harnessing digital and social media to become a learning organization", I am surprisingly optimistic about the future of paper.

Why, you might ask? Because as I sat and watched the Ted video below, called Sixth Sense Technology, I was amazed to find that no matter how weirdly futuristic life may get, paper is still in the picture. Some of the things shown in this video are way beyond my comprehension, admittedly I often have trouble with my smart phone, but what I do see, is that paper still has a place in the world.

A big place. Check it out.

And this all just makes me happy.

Paper is timeless.