Wednesday, April 14, 2010

CMP & On-the-Town Magazine!

Have you seen our post-it note on the front of the April issue of On-the-Town magazine? We're promoting our 125th year of being in business as a local --Michigan--family owned company. And of course, promoting our fast, flexible, focused approach to doing business. Thank you West Michigan for your loyalty and for contributing to our continued success.
P.S. Ask your CMP rep for some CMP post-it notes of your own.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Mohawk Solutions Grade Gets a Makeover

Check out the new Mohawk Solutions grade. It combines the core strengths of the old Feltweave, Nekoosa and Solutions gradelines into one comprehensive offering. It is FSC certified, manufactured with wind power and has 7 finishes and 19 colors. New swatches available soon!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Mohawk Loop in stock soon at CMP!

Introducing a new grade from Mohawk Paper which combines the best items from four legendary grades: Synergy, Passport, Genesis & Proterra into the ultimate environmental paper.

Look for increased post consumer content, a new 50% PCW Silk Coated sheet, new 100% PCW Inxwell sheets and new Digital with I-tone items. Mohawk Loop offers a comprehensive range of uncoated finishes—smooth, antique vellum, feltmark, linen, laid and 25% Cotton Writing, along with new Silk Coated and Inxwell finishes.

The entire line is FSC certified, carbon neutral and manufactured with wind generated electricity. This will be the industry’s most comprehensive environmental paper grade.

Loop swatchbooks and promotions available soon.