Monday, January 25, 2010


Thanks for checking out the CMP Sample Department blog! Our department is maintained by Rachel Dunneback and myself, Danielle Parker. I will be posting updates on things such as paper line changes, mill news, printed pieces and exciting things happening here at CMP. Check back frequently to stay up to date on all things new in our ever changing industry.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Ed #13 is Here!

Check out the latest Ed. Ed#13 is printed on Arbor Plus, New Page's new 30% post consumer coated sheet. Ed #13 offers a big picture view of sustainability in communications. Ed looks at the footprints of both print and electronic communications--their environmental costs and advantages--and ways to make the best use of both. All so you, the designer, can make a bigger impact on your audience while reducing your impact on the environment! Let us know if you need a copy.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Lets have a great year

Happy 2010!! Looking forward to another great year in the printing and paper industry. 2009 was a challenge to say the least but lets hope that is all behind us and look optimistically toward the future and 2010. Lots of activity with new quotes and inquiries that will hopefully turn into orders for CMP. Our specification dept is hard at work with designers and end users asking for printers to use specifically Central Michigan Paper products. Everybody works hard quoting, sampling, and specifying these jobs so lets make sure the orders go to where the effort is made. I have only been with CMP for 3 years, but I have worked in the paper industry for 20. What a great place with intelligent, hard working, and friendly people. Nobody tries harder to achieve greatness than the employees and management at Central Michigan Paper. Lets make 2010 a great year!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Happy New Year

2009 was a year filled with uncertainty. 2010 will hopefully be a year filled with opportunity. As I reflect back on the past year I realize I am thankful for this company; its leadership, its customers, its mills, its people. Hopefully the new year will bring us all prosperity and peace.